Solar inverter prices - Updated January 2025
Hybrid inverters can connect solar panels AND a battery.
All hybrid prices below include the
inverter's consumption meter.
Those that say 'backup' include in-built blackout protection instead of an additional backup box.
All inverters include a WIFI dongle.
No installation costs are included.
5kW hybrid single phase inverters
SAJ H2-V2, meter, backup, $1,815
Growatt MIN-XH, meter, $1,870
Goodwe EH, meter, backup, $2,055
iStore 50001PH, meter, $2,090
Sungrow SH5.0RS, meter, backup, $2,475
SolarEdge Home Hub, meter, 15x optimisers, $3,400
Fronius Primo GEN24Plus, meter, $3,420
5kW hybrid three phase inverters.
SAJ H2-T2, meter, backup, $2,365
iStore 5000-3PH, meter, $2,395
Goodwe ET, meter, backup, $2,785
Fronius Symo GEN24Plus, meter, $3,040
Sungrow SH5.0RT, meter, backup,$3,630
6kW hybrid three phase inverters.
SAJ H2-T2, meter, backup, $2,530
iStore 6000-3PH, meter, $2,575
Fronius Symo GEN24Plus, meter, $3,335
8kW hybrid three phase inverters.
SAJ H2 T2, meter, backup, $2,915
Fronius Symo GEN24Plus, meter, $4,025
10kW hybrid three phase inverters.
SAJ H2 T2, meter, backup, $3,355
Goodwe ET, meter, backup, $3,930
iStore IS-HYB-10000-3PH, meter, $4,280
Sigenergy Sigenstor 10T-X, meter, $Ask us
Sungrow SH10RT, meter, backup, $4,520
Fronius Symo GEN24Plus, meter, $5,555
15kW hybrid three phase inverters.
Goodwe ET, meter, backup, $4,825
Sigenergy Sigenstor 15T-X, meter, $Ask us
iStore IS-HYB-15000-3PH, meter, $5,325
Sungrow SH15T, meter, backup, $6,155
Various 'solar only', not battery capable inverters
Consumption/smart meter not included unless stated 'meter'.
5kW single phase
Growatt MIN-X,$1,045
Goodwe DNS G3,$1,210
Goodwe MS, 3x MPPTs, $1,505
Sungrow SG5.0RS ADA, 3 x MPPTs, meter, $1,815
SMA SunnyBoy AV41, $2,035
Fronius Primo GEN24, 1 phase, 5kW, $2,465
5kW three phase
Growatt MOD-X, $1,485
Goodwe DT, $1,540
Sungrow SH5.0RT, $1,870
SMA Tripower AV40, $2,310
10kW three phase inverters
SAJ R5, $2,135
Goodwe SDT, $2,515
Sungrow SG10RT, $2,915
SMA Tripower AV40, $3,245
Fronius Symo GEN24, $4,125
About some of the inverter brands/models above...
iStore hybrid 5kW and 6kW single and three phase inverters connect to iStore batteries.
iStore have just released 8kW, 10kW, 12kW, 15kW (and larger) three phase hybrid inverters.
Excellent quality equipment, reliable and feature rich.
iStore are a 12 year old Australian company with locally provided warranties and technical/service support.
Inverters, optimisers, batteries, backup boxes all manufactured under an OEM agreement with Huawei.
Like all the other brands, iStore do not sell directly to the public, only to installers/retailers/wholesalers.
iStore inverters are relatively inexpensive for such a top quality product, but their battery is not budget priced.
You can see battery pricing for most of these inverter brands, including iStore
Fronius hybrid inverter (GEN24Plus) models connect to BYD HVM batteries.
European-made inverters.
Everyone would prefer that Fronius made their own batteries, but for now, they don't.
The lowest 'oversizing' limit of any inverter on the hybrid market, just 150% with a battery.
So a 5kW Fronius and battery can have no more than 7.5kW of panels.
The majority (but not all) of the other brands allow 200% or more oversizing.
That high oversizing is important to charge largish batteries.
No-one in Fronius has ever explained why their limit is so low, despite frequent asking.
The best I've heard is "Excessive oversizing can reduce the life expectancy of an inverter".
Fronius manufacture to the highest standards, and are very reliable.
Fronius support is, when needed, excellent, using qualified engineers instead of call centre operators.
Sigenergy have burst onto the hybrid inverter and battery scene with, in some ways, a game-changing product.
I haven't listed the prices here as Sigenergy have asked me not to.
What I can say though is that the introductory prices they have launched with are very attractive.
You can read more about them on
our review page.
Sungrow hybrid inverters (any model prefixed SH), work with
Sungrow SBR, SBH and BYD HVM batteries.
Inverter consumption meter and backup capability included as standard with Sungrow hybrid inverters.
This, and a relatively inexpensive Sungrow battery makes this a very good 'middle' option between 'budget' and 'premium'
Goodwe hybrid inverters work with Goodwe Lynx Home F G2 and BYD batteries (
and others).
Very similar proposition to Sungrow with included meter, backup and a great value simple LFP battery.
The 15-25kW Goodwe ET models have 2x independent battery ports and unbalanced load support in backup.
The Goodwe F G2 battery goes up to 28.8kWh per stack and 8 stacks in parallel are possible giving 230kWh of storage !
The 5kW single phase EH hybrid can also be purchased for approx $700 less if a battery is not wanted immediately.
An unlock code can later be purchased to release the battery connectivity.
SAJ hybrids cover a large range, especially with three phase.
Obviously pricing is good as it's the lowest in almost every category.
If I have a concern it's simply that this brand is exclusive to just one wholesaler.
Granted, its a large National wholesaler who have been around twelve years.
Growatt are a reasonably long established (2010) budget brand.
In the past, budget brands were the first to fail, but Growatt stood the test of time.
World No.1 and Australian No.1 residential inverter achieved mostly with low prices.
I think better products are coming in 2024 from Growatt, especially a new high voltage (APX) battery with some 'iStore-like' features.
More of a 'watch and wait' than 'buy now' proposition as far as I am concerned.
Having said that, Growatt are often our 'go to brand' for a basic no frills 2-5kW single phase 'solar only' inverter.
There's plenty of demand for that type of product when replacing 'out of warranty' failed inverters.
Not everyone wants to buy a whole new system when their 10+ year old inverter fails !!
SolarEdge don't have any 3 phase hybrid inverters since their 3 ph hybrid range was somewhat mysteriously withdrawn.
Their Home Hub is a very well featured single phase hybrid inverter.
The SolarEdge battery is of the 'monolithic' type being a 10kWh (9.7kWh usable) one-piece slab.
Most other batteries are 'modular' made up of smaller modules so that accurate sizing to needs is possible.
By that I mean that if you want, say, 12kWh or 16kWh of battery storage, you can't get it with SolarEdge.
Instead, you have to connect another 10kWh, giving you 19.4kWh at significant unwanted expense.
SolarEdge inverters work on a fixed 'string' voltage rather than the usual MPPT variable voltage with other inverters.
To achieve this fixed voltage, each solar panel needs to have a DC Optimiser fitted to equalise the voltage, which pushes the price up.
The SolarEdge pricing examples above include 15 optimisers. They are worth about $100 each inc installation.
SMA are a German brand who make their 3 phase inverters there, and single phase models in China.
At time of writing, SMA did not have any hybrid inverters available, but a single phase hybrid model is coming "soon".
I continue to be baffled by SMA's decisions, especially in the residential market.
They used to be every solar installers 'darling' with quality genuine German made inverters, but have lost most of that goodwill over the years.
They simply don't have the products that most people want, and that's been going on for many years now.
I suspect they make their profits from large commercial/industrial, and residential is possibly too crowded and cut-throat for them.
Unique Western Australia inverter limitations.
There are many more inverters than those listed above, but I believe most of the best-sellers in Australia are listed here.
As Western Australia (our home turf) does not allow anything larger than a 5kW single phase solar inverter, I have not
listed any 6kW, 8kW, 10kW single phase inverters, but most if not all the brands above have these larger models.
The same applies to three phase. Our limit is 15kW. The Eastern States typically can go to twice that size.
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This review was written by Andrew MacKeith, Solar4Ever Perth service manager since 2011.
Solar4Ever is located in Morley (Perth), WA 6062